Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do You Feel Better After Ramadhan?

After Ramadhan left us, we are heading to the real world : Daily Routines.

This is, of course, a place to exam our body and mind from many temptations. And also, this is a place how to keep our mind being possitive, strong and unbeatable. So, control yourself by taking care your acts…

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

'Mudik' Euphoria

Time runs fastly, and Ramadhan will be ended. On the other hand, heading to The Ied Mubarak Day, time runs slowly. It is the last work day on the Ramadhan this year.
Along the way up to my office, exactly some people call ‘Pantura’, there are so many motorcyclists who want to go to their hometown (mudik – derived from going to udik / village) to gather and celebrate Ied Mubarak Day with their family. This atmosphere feels so real after crossing the Kalimalang street during East Jakarta to Karawang, West Java.
I feel happy as well as they are. After one month they nourish their body and mind through Ramadhan Fast, it is time to celebrate their victory on Ied Mubarak….Happy Taking A Mudik Day, be Carefull Heading to The Home… Happy Ied Mubarak…Taqaballallahu minna wa minkum…

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hi, The Cheesecake Factory was opened in Bekasi!

After bombarding by several culinaries was opened their branch in Bekasi, now it is The CheeseCake Factory’s turns.  It was opened on Sunday, August 5th, after formerly it was popular in some place in Jakarta. This is a place for those who are concern about quality and taste, especially for cake lover. Located in Jalan Raya Kalimalang 42, Bekasi, closed from city center, just 5 minutes from Bekasi Barat Exit Toll, in this place you will find cakes with many topping : mixed fruits, powder sugar, chocolate truffle, and many more.
One of highlight products of The Cheese is The Rainbow Cake. This cake is currently being trending topic at social media and cake lover community. The unique shape of this cake, added by soft and sticky sensation, was this cake made popular and preffered by all ages. This is a cake with four bright layers of joy in one bite, completed by layers of Cream Cheese and topped by unique White Chocolate Mousse.

This is the phenomenon cake  :) pict was captured last day…

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Paranoia (Session 2)

After my worries ended last day, this morning I was surprised by the same cried-case : my account is blocking, and… I can not withdraw some money. This is a perfectly moment. Bank can not allow debitur to withdraw some money tough they finished all payments.

But, there is no pain if no gain. I write a complaint letter soon, and mail directly to the branch manager. I do actually be angry with this. It is a definetely true, the bank is not proffesionally to serve the customer. And if you want to read my mail complaint, here you are :

Melalui surat ini, saya mengajukan keluhan mengenai pelayanan yang sangat buruk pada BRI Kantor Cabang Bekasi. Saya adalah nasabah produk Kredit Angsuran Tetap Pegawai negeri Sipil (Kretap PNS) yang telah melunasi seluruh hutang saya melalui sistem pelunasan sebelum jatuh tempo per tanggal 05 Juli 2012 yang lalu. Saya diterima oleh Ibu Dewi (bagian kredit) dan proses pelunasan hutang tersebut dilakukan melalui pendebetan pada rekening BRI atas nama saya. Pada saat proses pendebetan selesai, saya menerima salinan slip penyetoran yang menyatakan bahwa rekening saya telah didebet sejumlah sisa hutang plus pinalty. Kepada Ibu Dewi, saya mohon untuk diterbitkan Surat Keterangan Lunas sebagai jaminan bahwa hutang saya telah lunas dan tidak ada pendebetan atau hal-hal lain (blocking) yang terjadi pada bulan-bulan yang akan datang. Ibu Dewi meyakinkan saya bahwa dengan slip tersebut telah dianggap SAH sebagai bukti bahwa hutang saya telah lunas. Saya ragu dengan penjelasan Ibu Dewi dan tidak yakin bahwa penjelasan beliau sepenuhnya benar.

Kekhawatiran saya benar adanya. Kemarin, tepatnya tanggal 02 Agustus 2012, ketika seluruh gaji dan tunjangan bulan pertama setelah pelunasan masuk ke rekening, saya tidak dapat mengambil uang saya dengan alasan DIBLOKIR dan SALDO ANDA TIDAK MENCUKUPI.

Akhirnya saya mendatangi kantor BRI terdekat, yakni BRI Kantor Kas KPP Pratama Cibitung dan dilayani langsung oleh pimpinan Kantor Kas, Bapak Agus Mujahidin. Menurut penjelasan Bapak Agus, petugas bagian kredit di BRI Kanca Bekasi (Ibu Dewi) LUPA mencabut sistem blocking pada sistem komputerisasi BRI. Sungguh kejadian yang fatal dan sangat merugikan nasabah. Akhirnya berkat bantuan Bapak Agus, sistem blocking bisa kembali dibuka dan karena saya mengalami paranoia terhadap Bank ini, saya kuras isi rekening saya yang tidak banyak itu, dan tinggal menyisakan jumlah Rp 400.000-an pada rekening saya.

Pagi ini, Jumat (03 Agustus 2012), saya kembali mencoba tarik tunai sekaligus mengecek apakah benar sistem blocking sudah benar-benar dicabut, dan ternyata tidak bisa. Saldo Rp 400.000-an yang tersisa pada rekening saya kembali diblocking dan “disandera” oleh BRI. Apa jadinya bila saya menyisakan saldo lebih pada rekening saya, tentu saja mungkin akan terjadi pendebetan kembali. Menurut saya, BRI Kanca Bekasi benar-benar ceroboh dan fatal karena telah merugikan nasabahnya.

Melalui surat ini, saya menuntut kepada Ibu Dewi untuk segera membuka sistem blocking yang ada pada rekening saya, karena beliau telah berjanji bahwa tidak akan ada sistem pendebetan dan blocking lagi setelah nasabah dinyatakan telah melunasi hutangnya.

Surat senada juga saya sampaikan kepada beberapa media masa dan elektronik sebagai bentuk kekecewaan saya kepada BRI Kanca Bekasi yang telah melayani nasabah dengan buruk dan ceroboh.

Demikian keluhan ini saya sampaikan. Mudah-mudahan BRI Kanca Bekasi dapat memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik lagi di masa-masa yang akan datang.

Ha ha, I do really satisfied to mail this letter. And it is true…. Soon, after 3 hours I wait for the response,  the branch manager call me, and say apologize for this mistake. This is a human being error, cause the officer forget to delete the blocking system.

And Finally, by writing a complaint letter, I found a smart way to solve a problem. Hopefully much, the bank is not repeat the mistake on others day.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Paranoia

Today I was cried after seeing my account total amount. Yes, this is a big case, and actually it will be annoying my finance. I have finished my debt last month, but why  do auto-debet machine system is valid? This is a poor mistake of the bank. And I say, It is really do ‘kampungan’ bank (what kinda of ‘kampungan’ I should say in English? J

Well, I would not like to mention what name of this bank. But, I advise, before you take a account number in a bank, check it out about bank’s reputation, best or even worst about IT System, intensity of over capasity in peak seasson, and many other considerations.

I think, as we know, this bank is not perfectly serious to delete the blocking system. Desperate to prove it, I complain this case to the head of bank, and they say, perhaps the clerk forget to delete the blocking system? ….WHAT? Should I angry with this? Should I accept this incoherent reason?It is really totally fool tough humanism reason is acceptable.

Well, I clear my case after I do direct-access complaint. And remembering to Ramadhan of the day, I should not be angry cause of this. Smile….(kinda paranoid)